Habitus of nine Stempfferia sp. individuals; uppersides on the left and undersides on the right. A, B. The male S. insulana recorded from Gabon. C–R. Additional specimens retrieved. C, D. The male S. insulana MLIB2273; E, F. The male S. insulana MLIB-1917; G, H. The male S. cercene MLIB-1880; I, J. The male S. cercene MLIB-1485; K, L. The male S. cercenoides MLIB2292; M, N. The male S. cercenoides (ex. R. Ducarme) in coll. T. Desloges; O, P. the female S. insulana MLIB2279; Q, R. The female S. cercene MLIB-2337. The elements in the figures are not to the same scale.

  Part of: Jamonneau T (2024) First record of Stempfferia insulana (Aurivillius, 1923) from Gabon, Central-West Africa. Contributions to Entomology 74(1): 53-57. https://doi.org/10.3897/contrib.entomol.74.e117994