Aedes punctor gynandromorph: 1. Dorsal view of head with bilateral dimorphism of antennae and palpi; 2. Bilateral dimorphism of wings; 3. Ventral view of head and prothorax with dimorphic chaetotaxy; 4. Lateral view (right side) of thorax of female; 5. Lateral view (left side) of thorax of male; 6. Ventral view of abdominal sternites with laterally dimorphic chaetotaxy and scaling; 7. Dorsal view of abdominal tergites with laterally dimorphic chaetotaxy and scaling; 8. Gynandromorphic genital structures with fully developed male genitalia, unpair female cercus (red arrow), and spermatheca with only one spermathecal capsule (green arrow).

  Part of: Krüger A (2024) A bilateral gynandromorph of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) punctor (Kirby, 1837) from Germany (Diptera, Culicidae). Contributions to Entomology 74(1): 59-62.